Tuesday, March 22, 2016

William Henry WHEELER Sr. (1828-1885)

Birth and Early Life

William Henry Wheeler Sr. was born on 20 November 1828 in Wake County, North Carolina. He is believed to have been an orphan, later taken in by Adam Wilcox (1814-1883) of Greene County. Some accounts say that this was not an actual adoption but an apprenticeship. Regardless of what it was, it appears that Henry Wheeler and Adam Wilcox had a father-son relationship. 

There are many questions pertaining to Henry Wheeler's early life. When was he orphaned? When did he make his way from Wake County to Greene County? Was Adam Wilcox a family friend or a relative? Did William Henry Wheeler have any siblings? Is Wheeler the surname of his biological father or did he obtain it elsewhere? These questions may never be answered.

In the 1850 U. S. Census, Henry Wheeler is 23 years old and living in house #394 in Greene County, North Carolina in the household of Arthur D. Speight (age 26). His occupation is "cooper". He is living not very far from the home of his future wife, Melvina (she was listed as being 16 years old and living in house #390). Around this time, Melvina was working as the superintendent of weaving at the Faircloth Plantation near Walstonburg.

Marriage and Family

Henry Wheeler married Melvina Caraway in 1853 in Greene County, North Carolina. They had 7 children:

1. Hulda Virginia Wheeler

She was born in May 1854 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina. She married Ashley Edwin Whitley in 1873 and had 8 children. She died on 17 November 1913 in Walstonburg, Greene County, North Carolina and is buried in the Ellis Burial Ground. 

2. Nancy Elizabeth Wheeler

She was born on 1 October 1856 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina. She married John Henry Whitley and had 4 children. She died on 27 May 1922 in Walstonburg, Greene County, North Carolina and is buried in the Bailey Cemetery.

3. Franklin Webster Wheeler

He was born on 1 December 1859 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina. He married Martha Sawrey in 1880 and had 8 children. He died on 20 February 1929 in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.

4. William Henry Wheeler Jr.

He was born on 12 December 1861 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina. He married Matilda Lizer Gay on 29 December 1880 in Greene County, North Carolina and had 12 children. He died on 17 November 1930 in Walstonburg, Greene County, North Carolina of a cerebral hemorrhage, contributory to arteriosclerosis. He is buried in Walstonburg Cemetery.

5. John D. Wheeler

He was born in 1866 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina and died some time before 1880 of tuberculosis.

6. Charles Wheeler

He was born in 1870 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina and died some time before 1880 of tuberculosis. 

7. Martha Ella Wheeler

She was born in February 1875 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina. She married John Washington Garris on 18 October 1896 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina. She died in 1905 in Speights Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina.

Military Service

William Henry Wheeler Sr. enlisted in the Confederate Army on 12 February 1862 for a twelve month service. He served in Co. K, 41st Reg. North Carolina T. (3rd Reg. North Carolina Calvary). He was present and accounted for through October 1864. 

William Henry Wheeler, Sr. of Greene County, NC.


In 1877, William Henry Wheeler Sr. purchased land adjoining Nancy Deering and Bailey corner at the mill run from Seth Walston for $600. 

In 1878, William Henry Wheeler and his wife, Melvina Wheeler, sold to John J. Harrison for $825.00 land near Howell Swamp Church, adjoining the hald of S. P. Cox, Adam Wilcox, and the tract of land on which Harrison lived, containing 40 acres.


William Henry Wheeler Sr. died about 1885 in Walstonburg, Greene County, North Carolina, of pneumonia. He is buried in Barfield Cemetery in Appie, Greene County, North Carolina. His grave is unmarked, but is said to be under the big tree on the left as you enter the cemetery.


He was a member of Howell Swamp Free Will Baptist Church.

Additional Sources: (1) Evelyn Hendricks, great-granddaughter, (2) Bertha Walston Shirley, great-granddaughter.

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